Junction Diode |
A pn junction is known as junction diode or crystal diode or semiconductor diode. |
A junction diode conducts current easily when forward biased and practically no current flows when it is reversed biased. This outstanding property of the semiconductor diode permits it to be used as a rectifier, i.e. it can change alternating current to direct current. |
A junction diode is usually represented by symbol shown in figure.
The arrowhead indicates the direction of easy flow of conventional current when the diode is forward biased. |
There is an easy rule to ascertain whether the diode is forward biased or reversed biased.
If arrowhead of diode symbol is positive w.r.t the bar of the symbol, the diode is forward biased.
If the arrowhead of diode symbol is negative w.r.t the bar of the symbol, the diode is reverse biased.